um. howdy!
whatever you call it in music
but you're a little older than me
than I am older than you
katie, we're both older than each other.
where I throw a pinhole camera
spelled in gut
but the guy's window is open
the farpex of trehzens
an island about magazines
gets his go down roses
fore leg bent at the grommet
waving you into a cola war
gets his go down roses
back of a, isn't really
even a real shed, thick
plastic approximation,
fore leg bent at the grommet
waving you into a cola war
massively obvious geology
plug a dub. dub
uses glaze for a certain locomotion
uses glaze
harder to know when women are truly dead,
I ordered and protected to my mouth
say led on a cutter back of goat tag tin

begin to beg. a keg, skate key
tapper island skirt luffing shallows
bunk but whole. you can't have a crazy

time with the one-at-a-time
by mistook massively redundant
prehistoric japan fungus
food turning
no epic poem. I was never going to write one today as it turns out, tho I thought I might. kap said I looked freshly showered the other day. I think that just means that the hair is somehow more stable. the oil isn't on the skin.
--not a player
I don't think people think I'm a gremlin, but to the extent that I am, I think that's what works. gremlinism works. oh well duh well ok (rims out)
this part of track 19 sounded just a little tiniest bit like sunday bloody sunday, just that little guitar speck in there. not spec or spock. spick.
it's 3:49. it's really not even close to 6:00. I'm going to sell something on ebay that I think is worth about $200. retails for $220 and it's one of those things you can't really get for less than retail. it's a part. for a scoot. a fancy part & one I don't need. kevin said he liked the frog eyes bonus tracks best, and that certainly (thank god) accords with my own experience. but increasingly I also like the pre-intermission stuff. the album (golden river) has an intermission. 25 seconds of silence or something. it's a 70+ minute album. so the second half of the album is all bonus tracks. say, kind of like this post!
--not a poem
I think the reason why I wasn't writing an epic poem is b/c I wasn't listening to music. I'm listening to music now. by epic poem I don't mean anything long like an epic poem. I just mean epic. for example I think this one might be an epic poem. it seems like a long story even if it's not a long poem.
buck's poem came in the mail. monsters are not a problem. and monsters are not a problem. I haven't been reading poetry. kind of hit me yesterday that I will start reading poems again. I need to. it's all there is. that's part of the fear sometimes. but there's lots of good poetry. the art form isn't bankrupt. it's not fake. it just has to be defined by whatever I need. sometimes I just stop and throw it off ahead, throw up, shake it off up, I'm opposed to confidence but of course I fake authority as a courtesy, just to get the drag out of the way. like today I was thinking people say "I don't usually [blank] but this time [blank] and so you know I must mean it." that gambit. people shouldn't do that. it's wrong style. don't preface by saying what you don't usually, just say the thing. cathy said I'm always right. I think there's something to that. maureen gets really bent out of shape or just into a different shape if you say "stop being wrong" to her, just like that. I think it's just there's nothing in her programming to prepare her for the basic assertion that she should stop being wrong about something. try it. well, you can't do it the right way. sorry. I don't know. I guess it's worth trying. but I'm good at it so it might not work for you in the same way. you have to be sincere about it.

I'm listening to frog eyes. I've had a lot of mixed feelings. it doesn't sound like GBV. I'm not saying that. but I am saying that I've experienced it, my initial approach to it in the same way I had my first approach to bee thousand and alien lanes, which were the first ones I listened to. it was like, this isn't exactly pleasant or accomodating to listen to, in fact I don't even think I like how it feels to listen to this but somehow I know I'm going to keep doing it and it will work out. it's headphone music tho, frog eyes. you need to hear all the little things. it is not background music as they say and I said. really tho that's the thing. it's not background music. not at first. but now it is. well, it's in the headphones now. that works. I like it. I've been listening to it while I typed this. publish
no epic poem. have to do something else now then come back.
--not a poem
not a poem:
the first elliot smith song on new moon. why is it so sweet to hear it. it's like hearing a panda. speaking of suckers. it's just the "me small you big" of it. we like that from both ends. asymmetry. I can't find my camera. I think it's in my scooter glove box. I might listen to it again. it goes like "sometimes I feel like, only a cold pan-da, only and o-o-nly, only an --o-o- nly, only o-nly."
bottles on a clean counter are beautiful. all the different graphic arts on the labels, turned this and that way, so vert, opaque. comments are nice. but it's nice to post in a blog with no comments because it's like everyone is in a big cage and can't get to me. not that I don't like when people get to me. of course I do. but the cage is nice too, differently.

it's not really like hearing a panda. it's something about soft disappearance we want. you get that in a lot of elliot smith songs. that kind of super-accelerated indulgent self-love with the other as a foil to insure proper delivery like those things you put around the front of your neck for tanning, not tanning hides, in the spring break. how was your spring. have you been thinking about it as such. of course I do about my spring. online I'm sure there is people's pictures of the year, their oblong representations like I have in my head. the week is also an oval but flatter (more flat), a tank tread with the top skinnier, rhombus with the tread shorter at the top for the weekend. for my year Dec 31 is at the top, slightly right of center. then january drops steeply. spring is pretty flat, vert (vertical), then turns into a disproportionately fat weeble wobble bottom for the summer, around june or july. june is sort of invisible. turns back up around sept/oct. but what to do in the year. none of this solves the problem of what to do. I have a charmed life. I don't always feel it. publish
I am going to write an epic poem now while listening to music.
I had the last little bit of the sugar at the bottom of my caffeinated coffee.
It would be cool if each keystroke would publish the poem so I don't have to keep clicking "publish post". some kinda web 2.0 thing so the letter just appear and/or go away while I type them. it would be like a movie.
I am going to write an epic poem now while listening to music.
I had the last little bit of the sugar at the bottom of my caffeinated coffee thru the straw.
I am going to write an epic poem now while listening to music.
to find it's there
a penguin Kansas City
open spaghetti
pushing on the hash
people get it all
stop viewing pandemic style
that skeleton is very thing/thin
a crustacean doesn't judge you
mr. prostitute
describe what you were doing
how much what and
one by
the blue dirt
animal mud,
tree mud
coming out of this
one more time
burnt soup thinking thoughts
someone's who doesn't left these
horror my the thrown bun