Yon Fucshia Praam
you that peach coadunate Arabs
the soaking apatetic fuchsin
the youngish buccal oak
as ubiquitous in beady owing
that arbitrate a Fabian practicum.
If the coach of young ma
reaches yon si
in with buccal soakage
or you nab the fuchsia suable.
If to arbitrate oaks
is to coagulate coadunate els,
wrack a much fucker praam
than is the oval soakage
and placate it
into the ubiquitous fuckup.
["peach" is slang for to tell on someone, to act as an informer. Method: I typed out three sentences from a technical manual, then replaced each word with the first word in the dictionary starting with the same first two letters and having the same part of speech (and same tense if a verb). For example, "problem" became "praam". I didn't replace small words like "is" and "the". I used the three most commonly occurring words in the resulting text to make the title. Within the text, I took each occurrence of those three most commonly occurring words -- after the first occurrence of each -- and replaced it with the next word in the dictionary starting with the same first two letters and having the same part of speech (and same tense if a verb). Function became fuchsia then fuchsin then fucker then fuckup. In scanning for words with the matching part of speech, I went with the first one initially identified with the abbreviation for that part of speech. In other words, if the dictionary initially identified something as a noun and I needed a verb, I wouldn't use the verb form of the same word. Once I had all the vocab, I put on water wings and re-arranged the words while softly cooing.]